UK band plans for Amateur Radio bands :– Updated: January 2025 These band plan pages consist of the more basic frequencies, for a more detailed overview its certainly worth downloading the latest PDF Files from the RSGB from the link below. RSGB latest band plan – Click Here
On Sunday, January 26th, I will be hosting a net for the 145 Alive amateur radio event, representing the South Lancs Amateur Radio Club on the frequency of 145.550 MHz as the net controller. My name is Stu, with the callsign M7SPI, and I am located in Wigan, with a locator of IO83QN. The event will take place from 12:00 […]
The first meet in 2025 and we kick off with our annual AGM. Thank you in advance if you can attend and remember if you want a vote on club business you have to turn up. Proxy voting is currently N/A. Please note this will be a Tuesday and like from last month all future meetings will take place on […]
Upcoming is the last club meeting at Abram Community Centre of 2024 before the christmas break. Lets make this the biggest turn out of the year. This will be held on the Wednesday 26th November from 7:30pm onwards. Its just a nominal entrey cost of £3 to all and includes a brew and honuary biscuits. Club meetings are open to […]
Every Monday evening the club gets together to host a weekly net on GB7HN courtesy of Steve Curtis the repeater keeper of GB7HN. We welcome all licensed amateur radio enthusiasts. This is an open net and all are welcome whether your a member or not, these nets are run by SLARC members weekly. Feel free to come join us and […]
Polo shirts bearing the club logo are now available in many colours and sizes from ‘Small’ to ‘XXLarge’. Prices start from £12.50 and you can place your orders at the club night meeting with the secretary Steve.
South Lancs Amateur Radio Club activated their local beacon, Ashurst Beacon, with a special event call sign of GB9ASH in a celebration of the start of communication over vast distances. On a super sunny summer day the club was on air from 1000hrs to 1600hrs UTC on 2m VHF (FM and SSB), 40m SSB & QRP and 20m SSB and […]
Yay meetings are back. Not only do we have NEW members we have a NEW Venue. 20 Vicarage Rd, Abram, Wigan WN2 5QX images of the venue.